Security Info Watch: Cyber Battleground 2019: Who Safeguards Your Data?

Ty Chaston
January 29, 2019

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Acceptto‘s CEO Shahrokh Shahidzadeh, warns that everyone should assume that their credentials have already been stolen, even those credentials that haven’t been yet created as featured in the Security Info Watch article “Privacy versus security in the new cyber battleground in 2019” 

“Due to the frequency of data breaches, we all must operate under the assumption that it’s only a matter of time that we become aware of the fact that our credentials and personal information are compromised. Protecting our citizens’ identity and privacy requires new regulatory measures and the collaboration of private and public sectors including all (large or small) companies that today are taking overt advantage of harvested consumer data that is readily available for corporate welfare but not well protected,” Shahidzadeh says.

“2019 is the year of new solutions that employ a combination of multi-modal and contextual controls that continuously and accurately protect user identity and privacy with the assumption that all your online credentials are already compromised.”

Read the full article here





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