And Why You Need It in a Remote-First World
Continuous Identity Assurance is an evolutionary leap in providing secure remote access to sensitive data by securing every moment of a user’s session, from logon to logoff—surpassing MFA as the gold standard.
Our cutting-edge solution ensures only the authenticated user can access and view sensitive content, blocking unauthorized users from shoulder surfing or using credentials that don’t belong to them. If any high risk activity occurs, the session locks instantly, and the organization is alerted.
Legal Services
Call Centers
Financial Services
Defense Contractors
Even with strong privacy regulations, inconsistent application of best practices leaves companies vulnerable to data breaches and reputational damage. With human behavior remaining a critical security risk, Continuous Identity Assurance offers the next level of protection organizations need.
Is your sensitive or regulated data being accessed by the verified, credentialed user—and only that user—throughout the session, while ensuring their privacy is still protected?
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