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Top 5 Reasons to Choose Adaptive SSO Authentication

Stronger Security
Mike Desai
March 31, 2017

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Most organizations today recognize the benefits of single sign-on authentication (SSO). Users love SSO because they have only one user ID and password to remember; security teams love SSO because they can require that one password to be a strong one that is regularly changed; and the bean-counters love SSO because it boosts productivity and slashes helpdesk costs by reducing password reset calls.

But the specific type of SSO you choose makes all the difference — to security, to the user experience, and more. Here are the top 5 reasons to choose adaptive SSO:

1. Stronger security

Stronger Security

Security is a huge concern with SSO. After all, when each user has only a single set of credentials, anyone who steals those credentials can access a broader range of systems. Not surprisingly, attackers are increasingly focusing on just that route to your data.

Infact, 63% of data breaches in 2015 involved the use stolen credentials, up from 50% just two years ago.

To reduce the risk of attackers using stolen credentials, many IT decision makers turn to two-factor authentication (2FA). But 2FA isn’t as secure as it’s cracked up to be. The truth is, knowledge-based answers (KBAs) can often be guessed easily through social engineering and one-time passwords (OTPs) are now being stolen from mobile devices or directly from the carrier.

Adaptive SSO authentication, however, can render stolen credentials useless. An adaptive SSO solution is constantly evaluating a range of criteria about each user and the device they’re using, such as device recognition, behavioral biometrics, IP reputation, threat intelligence, geo-location, and geo-velocity. If the risk adds up, the solution can shut the user out — even if they supplied the correct password.

2. Amazing user experience

Traditional 2FA not only has security holes; it also comes at enormous cost to the user experience. Constantly challenging users to supply a second factor disrupts their work and frustration quickly escalates.

Adaptive SSO offers a seamless user experience: Users sign in once and can access every connected app or system they’re authorized to use. They’ll be stepped up to multi-factor authentication only when sufficient risk factors are present, such as the first time they log on from a new device. Otherwise, the authentication checks happen without users even knowing. Amazing, indeed!

SecureAuth Cloud Access

3. Customizable to your enterprise security practices

Adaptive SSO is also flexible: You can tailor the authentication workflow for different users, groups of users, or applications. For example, you can apply more scrutiny to the authentication of administrators and finance staff, who have access to your most sensitive resources, than to marketing and sales people.

4. Works with your existing SSO deployment

Adaptive SSO authentication doesn’t have to involve rip and replace. The right solution can work with your existing SSO deployment; just be sure to check the list of supported technologies and look for a pervasive use of standards.

Single Sign on

5. Boosts productivity while saving you money

Seamless adaptive SSO enables users to be productive with resources across the enterprise, both on-premises and in the cloud, and can dramatically reduce help desk call volume. IT can be more productive too; just be sure the solution you choose has a clear interface that simplified administration and facilitates easy provisioning and de-provisioning.

If you want to learn more about Adaptive SSO watch our 5 Reasons to Choose Adaptive SSO webinar here


Sign up for a free trial of our Cloud Adaptive SSO solution here.

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