TheStreet: 15 Coronavirus Online Scams to Watch Out For

Ty Chaston
March 24, 2020

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Perspective from our Principal Architect, Fausto Oliveira

Expect to see coronavirus phishing email attempts using the tax season to steal identities and/or banking information. A good example is IRS Form W-2 scams intended to get workers to email other employees’ forms. The IRS has issued guidance on these types of scams.

“There is a lot of effort being exerted by threat actors across the globe to maximize revenue using the coronavirus to commit crime,” said Fausto Oliveira, principal security architect at Acceptto, a Portland, Oregon-based provider of continuous behavioral authentication. “Individuals and organizations should exert extra vigilance and avoid opening emails, websites or answering calls that come from threat actors pretending to be official authorities. Information should be accessed using well known, official websites, such as”

Read the full article at TheStreet website.

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