Top 9 Cybersecurity Threats to Prepare for In 2020

Donovan Blaylock II
January 02, 2020

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Data security breaches cost companies millions of dollars. In 2020, this number will rise even higher. Do you know what are the biggest cybersecurity threats?

Are you prepared for 2020, and what challenges are coming?

We are, and our products can keep your business safe.

Read on, and learn more about upcoming cybersecurity threats, and what you need to protect yourself.

1. Single Factor Passwords

Single factor passwords (passwords with no two-factor protection) are lethal. The simplicity of these passwords, easily attacked with rainbow tables or a dictionary attack, are essentially backdoors to your computers.

The best way to protect yourself against these is by employing multi-factor authentication.

2. The Internet of Things

Smart devices can be far from smart. They can create weak points on your network, which is a huge cybersecurity threat.

Avoid using unsecured devices on your network. Keeping your business’ network locked down should be your top priority.

3. Malware

Worrying about malware is far from a thing of the past. Even larger businesses and bodies are at risk. In 2018, a ransomware attack created nearly $100 million worth of damage to the British health service.

Make sure you keep your employees trained on how to best avoid getting infected. Always keep anti-virus software updated.

4. Data Breach

Keep your data in the cloud? You’re already breached, you just don’t know it yet.

Cloud storage is always going to be less secure than local storage. However, it can be made safer. Integrate security software into your cloud storage, and you can negate the worst cybersecurity threats to your storage.

5. Supply Chain Exploits

One of the most nefarious cybersecurity threats can be found at source. Attackers have been known to insert malware and backdoors into software that appears benign.

Only ever use software from companies that you trust.

6. Automated Attacks

Defending from a human attack is one thing. Defending from an attack by an AI is quite another.

Artificial intelligence can be trained to create phishing emails or carry out attacks on your network. Once again, multi-factor authentication can help keep your network locked down.

7. Insecure Cloud Interfaces

Even if your cloud storage is protected, there is one element that you can’t control: the interface. The responsibility for encryption and safety rests with your provider.

Make sure that you use cloud storage that has a good safety record.

8. Use of 5G

The rollout of 5G continues unabated. While higher network speed is always good, some devices will likely start connecting to 5G preferentially.

This means that you can’t lock them down.

Sidestep these cybersecurity threats by using devices that connect solely to your Wi-Fi.

9. Insider Attacks

Trusting employees can be dangerous. There is no guarantee that a certain employee doesn’t pose a threat or multiple threats to your cybersecurity.

Keep your employees trained and monitor for any suspicious activity.

How to Manage Cybersecurity Threats

The best way to manage threats to your cybersecurity is by employing good security. We offer some of the best protection against cybersecurity threats on the market.

Got any questions about our services or pricing? Then get in touch with us, and see how we can help you.

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