Removing Humans from the authentication process: The future of access protection

Removing Humans from Authentication
Damon Tepe
April 02, 2019

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Humans are consistently the weakest link in protecting organizations from cyberattacks and data breaches. Humans choose poor passwords and re-use them across multiple applications and systems. Human’s click on links, answer questions, and unknowingly provide authentication details that make access easier for would-be attackers.

In the past users have been encouraged to try complex passwords and security teams have required frequent password changes. However, phishing and social engineering mean attackers can still get access to passwords regardless of protocols. These stricter password requirements often lead to locked accounts and password resets as users attempt to manage password changes. These password-related delays not only cost in rising helpdesk involvement, they hurt productivity and revenue when users cannot access the systems required to perform their jobs or get access to goods and services (think consumer portal).

Many organizations today are in the midst of adding two-factor authentication (2FA) to boost access security, but unfortunately, attackers have multiple techniques to bypass 2FA. From real-time phishing, to malware, to phone fraud, to text & voice call interception, and more, attackers have choices in how they get around 2FA to steal credentials. The more we can abstract authentication away from human inputs, the better chance we have to build defenses that are difficult for attackers to circumvent.

Many progressive organizations are turning to adaptive authentication to enhance 2FA and provide much stronger protection controls while also removing authentication disruptions for trusted users. SecureAuth adaptive authentication evaluates more characteristics and risks than any other vendor. Multiple risk checks around device, location, IP address, and behavior help provide clarity that the user is who they claim to be and it do not require the user to do anything but provide their credentials. Users who exhibit little or no risk, can simply skip the 2FA step because 10-15 risk factors have been analyzed to ensure their identity. Protecting the organization from the risk presented by weak passwords and ever more wile cyber attackers.

SecureAuth is marching toward an authentication process that simply removes the possibility of human error from the equation.

To learn more about how attackers bypass 2FA — including real-world examples — and the multiple risk checks that can prevent them from gaining access, download our “Data breach prevention requires more than 2FA infographic.

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