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Spambots Are the Worst: What You Can Do to Prevent Spam Sign Ups

Dr. Abdulrahman Kaitoua
March 18, 2020

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No one likes digital spam, in whatever context it comes up.

From annoying emails to pop-ups, it is an insidious form of getting your attention.

On the other side of things are spam sign ups, where websites become the target of a massive wave of spam targeting. What are these spam sign ups and how do you combat them?

We have a few tricks for you to avoid the dangers of spam sign ups. If you’re eager to protect your website, here’s how we can help.

The Dangers of Spam Sign Ups

Spambots are a common creature, created with the sole purpose of ramming a particular method thousands of times over in the hopes that one will stick.

Their usual appearance is with advertising, but that isn’t something that only targets customers. Businesses can often get spam sign ups.

These bots will flood your registration on your website and try and drown you in advertising. They slow down your website and make it hard for your real customers to work with you.

So you need tools to stop them, and we have 5 solid ones right here.

1. Captcha

Captcha is a unique software that uses a mixture of different verification methods to confuse bots.

The normal method for a bot is to read through an item or to check a certain picture for appropriate references. Captcha combines the two, needing a bit of reading and a very unique picture to make it impossible for a bot to read.

With a Captcha, you can block out a lot of spambots from the start.

2. Mobile Number Verification

This is a very popular form of verification. Once you are set to sign in, you get a verification code sent to your mobile phone. Because it is a distinct device, it is harder for a bot to see the number and the login at once.

This isn’t perfect as it does have ways to break it, but it means an extra step for those using spambots, making it more work to bother you.

3. Double Opt-In Process

Double Opt-In is similar to the mobile phone number verification, but it instead uses a second confirmation in your email address.

This is less effective as it doesn’t use separate devices as much, but can still be a simple layer and is a common trick with little downside.

4. Honey Pots

Honey pots are sections of your website that isn’t visible to any human browsing the site. Instead, what they do is form a trap for spambots by using the usual methods of registration for them against them.

Spambots work around the backend of the website. As such, they touch on a lot more things than human users would ever need to see.

A honey pot then puts a trap in the middle of that process, forcing them to enter the trap and then not letting them leave. No humans get caught, but spambots do.

5. Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor authentication is a more sophisticated level of the mobile number and Captcha verifications. It uses a separate program to set up a powerful series of roadblocks.

The strength of multi-factor authentication is that it is set up and monitored by professional companies working in security. With their guidance, the pathways to your website become harder for spambots to use.

Protecting Your Website, Protecting Your Customers

Falling victim to spam sign ups isn’t the end of the world. It adds tedium and slowness to your website management. In the end, though, it is your security and you deserve to feel secure in your business.

Security isn’t a one-and-done kind of deal, either. There is a lot to the process. To help with that process, we here at Acceptto are eager to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today for more information!

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