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53% of People Admit They Reuse the Same Password for Multiple Accounts

Just in time for World Password Day, password reuse remains rampant, with 53 percent of people admitting they use the same password for different accounts, which exemplifies poor password hygiene, according to a newly released report by identity company SecureAuth.

Among those who use the same password for different accounts, most are using it across 3-7 accounts (62 percent) – and 10 percent say 10+ accounts with the same password. In addition, 44 percent of respondents admitted to using their personal passwords at work. 

SecureAuth conducted the research using an online survey among 2,000 general population consumers in the U.S. Data was collected between March 16 and March 21, 2020. With nearly 50 percent of survey respondents currently in the U.S. workforce, the survey provides an objective data set with respect to the security and privacy habits consumers apply in both their personal and professional lives.

Additional findings include: 

  • In the workplace, management is worse than junior staff at password hygiene – only 38 percent of those in leadership positions say their work passwords are unique. 
  • 34 percent of employed people in a director level and roles admit to having used one of the most common passwords. 
  • A text message is the most common way in which people share a password, with 20 percent of consumers saying they share a password this way.

Streaming service accounts have the most shared passwords or login credentials, followed by gaming accounts and mobile phone passwords. The type of account with the least shared credentials/passwords are work email accounts, but even still, 34 percent have shared their work email password.

Currently, fewer than 1 in 3 consumers say they are comfortable sharing various forms of their biometric data with either a company they purchase goods and services from, or the government. 

This article originally appeared on Security Magazine

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