Almost 22 Million More Passwords Leaked

Almost 22 Million More Passwords Leaked

Size matters. You have heard this with respect to many things in the physical world, from skyscrapers (Burj ...
Ty Chaston
5 Benefits of Incorporating Biometric Security into Your Company’s Protection

5 Benefits of Incorporating Biometric Security into Your Company’s Protection

Tired of dealing with security issues in your company? It may be time to consider biometric security. (more…)
Ty Chaston
Security Week: Password Problems? Stay Safer on Internet Day

Security Week: Password Problems? Stay Safer on Internet Day

Acceptto's Principal Architect Fausto Oliveira shares his thoughts on the MFA and keeping your information safe on ...
Ty Chaston
Breaking The Password Addiction

Breaking The Password Addiction

Addictions can be attached to pretty much anything and everything. From alcohol and drugs to food and porn. South ...
Ty Chaston
What is Continuous Authentication, and What Can It Do for Your Business?

What is Continuous Authentication, and What Can It Do for Your Business?

Far from being a plot point in a science fiction film, cybercrime is a real and constant danger to business. In ...
Ty Chaston
Security Info Watch: Cyber Battleground 2019: Who Safeguards Your Data?

Security Info Watch: Cyber Battleground 2019: Who Safeguards Your Data?

Acceptto's CEO Shahrokh Shahidzadeh, warns that everyone should assume that their credentials have ...
Ty Chaston

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